When Should You Get a Permit
When do you need to get a permit? Is a permit really necessary? Is it going to be hard to get one?

Shower Remodeling: Tile vs. Panels
Tile vs. Panels for the best shower renovation in Cincinnati

Beware of Companies Who Can Start Right Away - Quality is Worth Waiting For
Beware of Companies Who Can Start Right Away - Quality is Worth Waiting For

Build The Best Deck in Cincinnati
Have you been thinking about building a deck in Cincinnati, Ohio? Build the best deck in Cincinnati!

Cincinnati Kitchen Remodeling
Have you been considering a kitchen remodel in Cincinnati, Ohio?

Basement Remodeling in Cincinnati
Thinking about remodeling your basement in Cincinnati, Ohio?

Copper vs. PEX Piping
If you’re in the market for some major plumbing work due to repairs or a dream remodel, in addition to looking up the best company to contract for the work (might we suggest Third Generation Restoration?), you should take some time to consider what material you want the new pipes to be made of.